Welcome to IMI Lab at UNC Charlotte

Lab News
- Dr. Jinglin Li has won the 2016 Graduate Dean’s Distinguished Dissertation Award, whose research was supported by our ROSE-HUB site.
- Congratulations to Zhou Teng, who has graduated and received the PhD degree!
- Recent publications from IMI students and faculty at major robotics journals IEEE Transactions on Robotics (2016), IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (2016), Advanced Robotics (2015), IEEE Transactions on Haptics (2016, 2014), Robotica (2016), IEEE TASE (2015), Autonomous Robots (2014), and conferences IEEE ICRA 2016, IEEE CASE/ISAM 2016, IEEE/RSJ IROS 2016, ISER 2016, IEEE SIMPAR 2016, IEEE ICRA 2017, IEEE/RSJ IROS 2017, ISRR 2017, Advanced Robotics (2017).
An ever increasingly important need in the age of information technology is to make computers, robots, and other machines to interact intelligently with humans, with the physical world, with each other, and to enable effective virtual interactions to augment, extend, and even substitute interactions in the real physical world. At the Intelligent, Multimedia, and Interactive Systems Lab, research is focused on investigating novel technologies and methodologies to enable and support such intelligent interactions for effective use of information of various forms and for optimal performance of tasks involved.